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美甲店英文,让人过目不忘的美甲店名 -尊龙凯时app

来源:网络 时间:2023-11-16 11:39 栏目:让人过目不忘的美甲店名 阅读:987
amalaysia golden 马来西亚金黄[translate] athe students are encouraged to do more listening, reading and writing by their teacher. 学生由他们的老师鼓励做更多听,读...

amalaysia golden 马来西亚金黄[translate] athe students are encouraged to do more listening, reading and writing by their teacher. 学生由他们的老师鼓励做更多听,读fenchmanicure (法式美甲-手)take off拿掉去掉卸甲等­­fench pedicure (法式美甲-脚)nail手指甲toenail 脚指甲­­specialmanicure (高级护手)finger

(`▽′) 众多的好莱坞名流都去光顾珍妮特·沃恩的美甲店。三、nail specialist 读音:英[neɪl ˈspeʃəl美甲店可以说是nail salons。salon的意思是提供特定服务的店。例如:hair salon(理发店) beauty salon美容院●例句● a leading supplier tonail salons, o

╯﹏╰ 1、你好!这里是xx美甲会所!hello! here is the xx nail club! 2、你好!我想预约去你们那里做指甲。hi! i would like to make an appointment to go where you do nails. 3、美甲店nail salon更多释义>> [网络短语]美甲店paris nail shop paris;paris;nail salon 美甲店paris nail shop paris 慧指美甲店healthy nail salon

英n.美甲吧网络美甲艺术轩;钉子吧;乐富店复数:nail bars 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义nail-bar n. 1. 美甲店a place where you can pay to have your nails shaped, 美甲店用英文怎么说??💅💅💅 🎈nail salon 美甲店🎈beauty salon 美容院🎈hair salon 美发店@知识薯#英语#英语学习#美甲店#同传翻译我在行发布于2022-02-07 说点什么


